Workers Compensation

If you have been injured in the course of your employment and have suffered loss as a result of such injuries, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Our personal injury team comprises of several Workers Compensation Approved Legal Service Providers,who are experienced at maximising injured workers’ compensatory entitlements, and ensuring that their clients are provided with the treatment and rehabilitation needs that they require.

We regularly act on behalf of Applicants who have suffered physical and/or psychological injuries due to their work, in respect of disputes relating to:

  • Compensation for ‘Permanent Impairment’ and non-economic loss.
  • Weekly workers compensation payments.
  • Medical, hospital and rehabilitation expenses.

In cases where workers have been seriously injured due to the negligence of their employer, McCabe Partners Lawyers are well versed in advising in relation to common law work injury damages claims. In these circumstances, you may be entitled to an amount of damages for a loss of earnings and a loss of earning capacity due to the actions, or inaction of your employer.